Eating Related Disorders

In the 1980s anorexia nervosa and bulimia became recognized as eating disorders, which classified them, along with compulsive overeating and obesity, as psychological as well as medical problems. 

Human beings contain a psychological drive to consume food. Scientists have discovered appetite receptors within the hypothalamus of the brain that respond to hunger messages conveyed by neurotransmitters and hormones, including insulin and adrenaline. Relief from hunger, satiety, is established by a predetermined "set point", and is triggered by the amount of fat that is stored, serotonin and dopamine. 

Obesity is characterized by the excessive accumulation of fat in the body, usually 20% or more above the normal weight for the body type. Heredity, metabolism, developmental factors, environment, activity level, and lifestyle all play a part. Emotions also play a roll. 

Compulsive overeating - loosing control over what, when, where and how much a person eats - is not uncommon. It is not a mental illness, but can often cause emotional feelings such as depression, guilt, and shame. Compulsive eaters often crave sugary foods finding them a source of comfort. Sugar can create a similar chemical rush as alcohol. Sugar "addicts" experience a feeling of tranquility similar to that of an alcoholic.

Anorexia nervosa - is described as a disease of starvation. The individual refuses to maintain a normal body weight and fears weight gain. They picture their body in a distorted way and may weigh themselves numerous times in one day. They may fast, diet, exercise, or use laxatives or diuretics to loose weight.

Complex neuro-chemical abnormalities may be involved in the development of anorexia nervosa. Disturbances in the hypothalamus, the part of the brain that regulates hormones and appetite may be partially responsible. In addition, the psychological profile points to a perfectionist who is a high achiever with unwarranted fear of failure. There is little ability for insight or awareness of feelings.

Bulimia nervosa - is characterized by rapidly consuming (bingeing) large amounts of food, stopping only because of severe abdominal pain, need to sleep, or an interruption from an outside source. Self induced vomiting, excessive exercise, the use of laxatives, enemas or diuretics are then used in an effort to decrease the number of calories (stored fat) that remains in the body. The bulimic individual is left feeling guilty and ashamed, as well as fearing increased weight gain after a binge episode.

Obesity in childhood - may increase the likelihood of bulimia in adulthood. Biological abnormalities also play a role. The bulimic does not feel satisfied after a meal and may binge to reach satiety. It may also be linked to difficulties in making the transition from adolescence to adulthood. Other problems often found in the bulimic person include alcohol abuse, low frustration level, poor interpersonal relationships, and depression.

Treatment for eating related illnesses is difficult, at best. Most individuals are forced into recovery either through failing relationships, failing health or emotional problems. A combination of interventions such as psychotherapy, medication and support groups work best. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, such as Prozac, have shown to work on both the depression, as well as allowing for a more normal functioning brain and nervous system.

Some individuals need hospital-based treatment to break the addictive cycle of the disorder. It is a known fact, however, that recovery from an eating disorder is a life long pursuit 

Some symptoms of eating disorders are:

  • Refusing to eat and denying hunger
  • An intense fear of gaining weight
  • Flat mood or lack of emotion
  • Preoccupation with food
  • Social withdrawal
  • Menstrual irregularities or loss of menstruation (amenorrhea)
  • Abdominal pain
  • Irregular heart rhythms and low blood pressure
  • Dehydration
  • Eating until the point of discomfort or pain, often with high-fat or sweet foods
  • Self-induced vomiting
  • Laxative use
  • Excessively exercising
  • Unhealthy focus on body shape and weight or negative or distorted self-image
  • Feeling that you can't control your eating behavior
  • Damaged teeth and gums
  • Sores, scars or calluses on the knuckles or hands
  • Constant dieting or fasting
  • Possibly, drug or alcohol abuse
  • Eating much more food during a binge episode than during a normal meal or snack
  • Feeling that eating behavior is out of control
  • Frequently eating alone
  • Feeling depressed, disgusted or upset over the amount eaten
  • Social withdrawal that increases over time
  • Levels of anxiety that increase over time
  • Difficulty focusing or concentrating
  • Loss of interest in once cared about activities
  • Significant weight loss or weight gain
  • Panic attacks or phobias
  • Low energy levels/lack of motivation
  • High level of irritability/on edge

Our Skills

  • Most essential is our core competence in recovery. We maintain an experienced team advancing our company-wide objective for highly applicable and cost effective mental health treatment.
  • We know how to manage a crisis.  We provide a rapid response to any situation as we can quickly evaluate the problem stabilize the condition and anticipate a positive outcome.
  • We apply our skills and expertise to help motivate individuals and groups to work together for the betterment of communities. 
  • Our client community is diverse and varied.  This diversity is reflected in our treatment staff allowing for healthy therapeutic relationships to develop.
  • We understand that other people's feelings are central to emotional well-being. Modeling this philosophy is essential for success. Our treatment programs focus on social awareness - the ability to understand and respond to the needs of others.

What Our Clients Say

  • Everyone made me feel welcome; the staff and clients from my first day. If I felt lost or confused I was pointed in the right direction or was given information to answer my questions. I had time to get adjusted to everything without feeling hurried.

  • All aspects of the program were special. The staff was kind well trained professional and experienced. Treatment was tailored to each person’s needs complemented by group therapy. My transformation has been wonderful.

  • InnerWisdom provided an approach to treatment that renewed my spirit mind and body. I would recommend the program to any of my family and friends. The environment is nurturing for anyone needing an environment for recovery.

  • I am very grateful that my treatment was at InnerWisdom Inc. This place is very special and that is because of the staff and caring environment.

  • Fabulous treatment program! Can’t put into words how grateful I am to have had the opportunity to come here.

  • Inner Wisdom has a Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) where patients meet in groups with a therapist on a daily schedule. Patients have a variety of mental illness diagnoses including Bipolar Disorder Schizoaffective disorder Schizophrenia and substance abuse which interfere with their ability to live a full and productive life. Students will have the opportunity to shadow therapists facilitate therapy groups and Psychoeducation groups meet individually with patients and understand the case management required by Medicare and private insurance companies. Students work under a variety of therapists and can observe different styles and strengths. A strong team approach is encouraged. Students have the opportunity to get direct experience with patients and to use their skills creatively in offering therapy.

    Bonnie Fall
    Former Student Intern